Closet Crisis

January 27, 2010 § Leave a comment

I had a girly meltdown this morning. You know the one where you look at the clothes in your closet and see nothing. Or at least see nothing worth wearing. I stared for a while. Flipped through. No outfit ideas were forming. Then I flipped back through in a panic realizing that it was already after 9. Usually when this happens, I either end up wearing a bizarre concoction of items that I convince myself make an “eclectic fashion-forward” outfit, while in the back of mind wonder if I just look like some crazy street performer. OR I come out of the closet wearing my old standby jeans and a black shirt. That’s what happened this morning. Fortunately I had enough sense to grab a scarf to make it some sort of an “outfit,” rather than lazy emo girl.

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